lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


It's time for reading.

Before Reading:

Look for information about the following questions

1. What do you know about the history of where you live?
2. What do you know about American Indians?
3. What happened to the American Indians who once lived all over the United States?

During Reading:

Think about these questions

1. Do you think Huntsville also has schools, stores, and other businesses?
2. In what area of the United States do you think Huntsville is?
3. Do you think what happened to the Lenapes was similar to what happened to other American Indians?

After Reading:

Answer the following questions, are they true or false?

1. All families live in apartments.
2. The town has always had the same name.
3. American Indians lived there.
4. There was an Indian village where the police station is today.
5. Lenapes was the name of the town.
6. The Lenapes spoke the same language.
7. The Lenapes had different customs and clothing.
8. The Lenapes lived in that place for a few years.
9. The Lenapes moved before Europeans arrived.
10. The situation changed in 1600.

Your answers as comments.

Here you have the story,

have fun!

Before Huntsville

This is my town, Huntsville. It’s where I live with my family. There are lots of other families in our town. Some are large and some are small. Some families live in houses, like we do. Others live in apartments. We all call this town our home.
This place wasn’t always called Huntsville. Before the town was here, there were people who called this place home. They were American Indians. There was an Indian village right where the main post office is today. The Indians who lived here were Lenapes. The Lenapes were people who lived in what is now New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. They all spoke the same language. They had many of the same customs and clothing.
The Lenapes lived in small villages. Each village was made up of a few families. They grew crops such as corn and beans. They also hunted and fished. They gathered nuts, berries, and other food from the forest.
The Lenapes lived in this place for thousands of years. They were here when the first people from Europe arrived around 1600. In a short time, the Lenapes lost their homes. Some were killed in fighting with the new people. Others were driven away. They moved further west. Today only a few Lenapes still live nearby.


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