lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


As a final activity we will practise writing.

You're going to work in groups. We're going to organize a trip to Madrid. First of all we need to know about the different places to go. Using the grammar and the vocabulary we've learnt along the unit, this will be what we'll do.

Group nº1: museums, churches, palaces...

Group nº2: shopping (shops, market stalls, ahopping centres...)

Group nº3: restaurants, leisure time...

Group nº4: means of transport and money.

We have to work as a group in order to get a really good time. 

The first thing you have to do is making the groups...

Please, let me know as soon as you have made them.

To be continued...

Here you have some links to get information about the city.

If you find more information, please add it on comments.

Have fun!

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